Only Stars

Selected Poems  

By David Milsom


Small talk The song of the salesman The screaming dribbler Cinderella of Southmead Canteen Words

Smalltalk2 The Presidents Fist Epistle to Paul Two Wheels Good Winter People DNA Meme Sprouts Kenneth

Tunnel White Collar Blue Collar Bogie Men A colleague Announcement Greenbelt Fire House bound Images of Life

Nigel In Cognito Climbing Lasers


Small talk

People counting change and talking of ham

never look up

there’s nothing up there

only stars.

People running for buses

guarding borders

chasing paper

don’t want to know the scale of life

light-years are words and

Buzz Aldrin never counts his change.



The Song of the Salesman

You have to dig the ditches

before you build the walls

You have to draw the plans

before you build the halls

and you have to learn to listen

before you hear the calls

and you don’t get nothin’ for free

You have to hear the rumours

before you hear the truth

You have to sell their futures

before you control youth

You have to believe in God

‘cause there isn’t any proof

and you don’t get nothin’ for free

Maybe it’s our history

Maybe it’s the light

Is it such a Mystery?

That we never get it right

You have to sell the birds

before you sell the trees

You have to sell the fishes

before you sell the seas

You have to train consumers

to get down on their knees

‘cause they won’t get nothing for free

You have to tell the truth

well maybe that’s a lie

You have to sell the air

before you sell the sky

and you have to keep on selling

until there’s nothing left to buy

and you don’t get nothin’ for free


Maybe its our nature

to suffer all this pain

Maybe there’s some purpose

to turn the wheel again


You have to have a budget

before you make a cut

You have to give up hope

before you’re in a rut

The east maybe starving

but in the west we have a glut

and they don’t get nothin’ for free

Relate to the product

see it in your hand

pinefresh harmony

and all at your command

Life will be so easy

Step into the light

post the coupon

Your future will be bright

You have to have a dream

before you can awake

You have to place your bet

before you win a stake

You have to empty garbage

cause there’s so much more

You gotta take

and you don’t get nothin’ for free

no you don’t get nothin’ for free

Maybe it’s our science

Maybe it’s the cars

Maybe the future

is written in the stars

There has to be disaster

before a change is made

We have to deal with failure

before we make the grade

First the fools must babble

before the wisemen trade

and you don’t get nothin’ for free

no you don’t get nothin’ for free

Maybe it’s evolution

Maybe it’s our gold

Maybe revolution

is waiting to unfold





The Screaming dribbler

He kept his art to himself

in a little book

He scribbled and dreamt

Of seeing his name bigger

than the title in lurid airport colours

Of crowding fans

keen for his mark

Of packed halls of acolytes

soaking in his wisdom

ready to realign normality with his words

Of calls from queens and presidents for help

Of evening in buffing his Nobel Prizes

Of Handing the booker back

Of desert Island Disks

Of sitting next to Stephen during the bio-pic of him

Of rescheduling the pope

Of having national holidays named after him

Trouble is he has left his book somewhere

So much depends on him finding it



Cinderella of Southmead Canteen

Cast in sugar

silent grace

sad eyed starlet

fallen from childhood’s innocence

clearing tables

endless tables

platescraping monotony

mothers delight

shuffles in trainers

between the suited pigs

still being good

already a past

never a future

young arms in ritual motion

a trolley of dirty dishes

a ship of broken wishes

to sail the alleys

beauty bewitched by class’s

bitter potion

She vacant stares

seeing nothing

nothing to see

crush the petals

paint them polyester grey

a company conveyor

to take her soul away

and after years she becomes:

sullen as a seaside donkey

focused on the middle distance

floating in a wistful reverie

given up to trance, no resistance

‘peas or beans’ a monotone sigh

ladle poised

no light in her eye

Flick !

back to dream

another passes by

life has left her here

mouths in endless queues

touch them they’re so near

but only here for soups and stews

Younger men every year

come and go and leave

her here

her here

yes she was pretty

yes she was bright

but no one to pity

or notice her light

faded guttering out

now only dreams relieve the anguish

only musing salves the doubt

when hope is left to languish

Tommorow she’ll work on sweets

doling custard and meringues

somewhere in the distance

a heavy ladle clangs

‘peas or beans’

by a vocal thread

reality hangs.





When this pen stops

And I am no more

A pale memory

Yet uncovered now

With your eyes I breathe

Life in these symbols

Though fossils

Waiting to be set free

And in their liberation

I touch you

Whisper in your ear

Leave my mark

Carve in you bark

DBM was here






We were sailing in the Banal sea

Talking of mortgages and starter motors

Fishing for a tasty bit of cod

Oblivious to the gossamer threads of stratos

In the azure wonder

And someone shouted

‘Man overboard’

And it was me

Drowning in trivia



The Presidents Fist

You can hear the guns

From a long way off

See the smoke

From a long way off

Taste the violence

From a long way off

Feel the heat

From a long way off

The war and the peace

are a long way off

Million dollar missiles

Addressed by technicians

Clean room killers

A long way off

From humanity

From sanity

A madman’s vanity

And they gave him a mirror

A cruising scalpel passes down the street

A presidents fist knowing more than me

Redefining the meaning of free

Allah save us and give us defeat








Epistle to paul

With a cell phone pressed to his ear

And a Filofax under his thumb

With his wallet close to his heart

And a BMW under his bum

He plays and deals

and travels the motorways

with his personality

hanging in the back

No wife in his life

No, just too much to pack.




Two Wheels Good

He dreamt of Kawasakis

of open roads and skies

of winter cares behind him

of a future free from ties

of looks of admiration

how they would gawp and stare

now he dreams of surviving

in intensive care

He dreamed of loves hand touching

a leather biker babe

all curves and smiles and freedom

a princess he could save

someone to share his passion

with eyes that really care

now he dreams of surviving

in intensive care

For he found her in a cafe

over coffee they talked of bikes

she rode an RD350

liquid cooled

finely tooled

they talked of hates and likes

of fairground Goldwings

of a Fireblade heaven

a heaven they could share

now he dreams of surviving

in intensive care

He dreamt of Kawasakis

of speed and wind and light

of his love behind him

clinging left and right

She’s fast with lots to spare

but she left him for a Lexus

kicked him in the solar plexus

left him in intensive care



Winter people

Winter people from the east

Who sell their souls

To feed the beast

With solid pride and etiquette

Immortals here for all they can get

Ivory hearts and glass eyes

That steady stare and smile lies

Gold card people from the south

With leased personas

And well plumbed mouths

Time managed automata

Neatly clipped

Hollow consumers ready shipped

Ebony hearts and crystal eyes

That steady stare and smile lies

Spreadsheet commuters from the smoke

Can breathe the filth

and never choke

dark suit execs

empire men

waiting ‘till we rule again

iron hearts and marble eyes

that steady stare

and smile lies



DNA Meme

In moving mist

the ticking hand decays

the thumbbeat



nowbeat days

relentless churning

never stays

Spinning seasons

dooming mortal pride

Whilst within the gel of every cell

immortal travellers ride

Numbered curves paired in dance

emotionless acids shifting

in a sea of chance

While we a web of worry spin

mere vehicles for those within

quartz cannot be denied

save where immortal travellers ride





The angry sprouts need frost

To break their spirits

Gossamer veils of whitefly

Shift before the allotmenteers honest boots

Nurtured shoots

Smelling spring

Smooth green pushing

From the toil tilled soil

Delicate lettuce

Delinquent strawberries

Sharing beds

Potting sheds

Shuttered sentry boxes

Scattered in the greenery

Pipe smoking

Slow moving

Soldiers of the bean trenches

Grow with their handiwork

And wait for brow mopping summer

And buzzing sun

Light feeding life feeding light

Pulling produce

Maris pipers, Aran pilots

Secrets burgeon underground

Earlys swelling, lates behind them

Solid spuds

Tubers firm and round

Thudding now they hit the barrow

Shortened days bring them to light

Gone the runner and the marrow

Only sprouts withstand winters night





Kenneth bought some time

from a friendly man

it came in little packets

labelled ‘Open me if you can’

Kenneth puzzled for a year

to get them all undone

but all they held was empty paper

with a ? on every one

Kenneth sought the friendly man

to question him his pointless task

but the man gave him a mirror

saying ‘he’s the one to ask’

Kenneth asked the friendly man

what does all this mean ?

the sage replied see where you are

not where you might have been

Kenneth stared into the glass

into an image clear

and saw sadness there

with just a hint of fear

The friendly man was waiting

when Kenneth asked him why

he smiled softly and looked up

saying ‘the answers in the sky’

So Kenneth lay and watched the clouds

painted by evening sun

and there he saw a message

and his life had just begun

Now Kenneth keeps good time

he keeps it in a box

and protects it from prying eyes

with hasps and bars and locks

One day he will sell it

and become a friendly man

wrapped in little packets

labelled ‘open me if you can’






To die in a tunnel

When you might have been queen

Where tabloid weevils click at the scene

Pick at the glamour, the veneer and the sheen

To die in a tunnel

An empty black tunnel

When you might have been queen

To laugh at the camera

And make it your own

To lose count of causes

And flags you have flown

And now the mad mirror

Has taken flesh from the bone

Such a sad harvest,

A mad withered harvest

The flashguns have sown

To fight on the right side

Using your face

To win hearts and pockets

Earning your place

But your chair now is empty

Merely a space

Just leaving an image

An ethereal image

Of sadness and grace

To die in a tunnel

Your image burned white

To cut off your life

in the pit of the night

to make us all angry

‘this cannot be right’

to leave us all stunned

with a memorial fund

the dwarves have murdered Snow White.





White Collar

We’re offering BUPA

and the pension is free

All we ask is your soul

hear the clocking cards toll

Trapped in the harbour

no sign of the sea

Yours is the corner

next to the wall

Here’s your calendar and pen

I’ll send you some memos

about nothing at all

And when you’ve read them

you can read them again

See you each morning

remember your tie

coffee’s at ten and at three

Nothing much happens

but we learn to get by

Trapped in the harbour

no sign of the sea.



Blue Collar

On the tools

Spanner handed

Overall worker

Working with a whistle

to the whistle

Aiming for

Teabreak or

Lunch or

Home or

Holiday or


A trade for life

Swarf and coolant

Machine driven

System soldier

Working to the rules

Hoping for

Ten minutes or

A sick note or

An easy number or

The lottery


you can’t get the parts

Buying one of those

is where the trouble starts

he’s done

A trade for life




Bogie Men

Infant growing

Wide eyed innocent

Learning fear in the dark

The bogie men are real

They killed Santa when you were seven

And celebrated Yuletide

With turkey genocide

Adolescent aching

To be in on the action



Girls are games others play

No one explained the rules

Run with wolves and fools

Young man chasing technology

And chances mist

List your possessions


Come later

Comb watching

middle aged bogie men

selling insurance and planning

concrete futures

in the steam bath


at the losers

beggars and choosers

breakers and abusers

teachers and confusers

trying to be

honoured bourgeoisie

Old tired

Coldeyed dying

Shedding tears

And years

in the dark


except for the bogie men





A colleague announcement

"This is a colleague announcement, would the First Aider please come to the medical room".

So much fuss, she felt silly, she was a little out of breath, that was all.

A little out of breath.

Harry looked at her and tried not to convey his panic but you cannot be married for 40 years and hide.

" Don’t you be silly, I’ll be all right, just a little wind, Ohhh", Molly winced as a pang of mortality crossed her chest.

"This is a colleague announcement, would the First Aider please come to the medical room".

A hundred or so shopping trolleys paused for a moment and then went in search of the next item.

"someone will be here in a moment pet" Harry held Molly’s cold hand in the cold tiled medical room. She did not respond.

Meanwhile, Sally the First Aider was taking her chance in the stockroom with Eamon the Coldmeats Manager. The stockroom with the broken speaker. The passion had been piling up for months and now was her chance, she must have him. Eamon was not so sure, he worried for a while about his next appraisal, but casting his cares and blue stripped apron away he took her.

"This is a colleague announcement, would the First Aider please come immediately to the medical room".

The trolleys paused again and shoppers exchanged looks.

So this was it for Harry, to watch his wife, his life slip away, in a room with a poster about tooth decay, a bed, a sink and a chair.

Little does he know that another 40 years is beginning in the stockroom.

The stockroom with one small wire broken keeping the speaker silent.



Salad summer sepia fading

beneath a tree swing creaking

canopy boughs protective shading

a tear for the elm

wind giving breath

the tiled leaves are speaking

Beckoning up soft bark yields

pinnacle view lift me high

Savages wood across tossed fields

other elms topsails full

tacking to my cry

a tear for the elm

wooden fist

shaking in a threatened sky

Figures in the meadow moving

Hide handed farmers

with steady tread

pause to watch the fleet in motion

a tear to the elm

only leaves are shed

Permanent wood bear down safely

journey done and nightfall made

Sunset calling homeward

but to return to bask in shadow

when singing sun lays me

in your shade

A tear for the elm

no longer speaking

and the flags no longer fly

the ancient fleet now

has foundered

and who would think

they would ever sink

into the autumn sky




Blue light night

evening of disaster

flames that are turncoats

eating all you have

siren split serenity

life was so easy

tidy slipperman

in sudden desolation

hours in an instant

rest for a moment

and nature has revenge







House bound

Before the luckless dust

can settle, she is

fussing with a duster

Throwing her life in the bin

but keeping the glass fish clean

Before tactless affection

can creep in,

she sweeps it away

to repeat tomorrow

what she didn’t do today





Images of Life

He went to the mountains and took a camera.

He framed scenes of serene snowscapes,

of majestic and powerful peaks,

in razor clean light,

of broken toothed leather faced sherpas,

of verdant lowlands,

of basecamp sunrises,

and then he came home.

They lost his film and he realised

he had never been there at all.





Nigel bought a suit

cleaned his fingernails

shook hands

cured his dandruff

thought about insurance

ordered an ulcer

worried about the index

practised his telephone voice

lost at squash

and now has no days

only spaces

till tomorrow.




In Cognito

In shadows

Behind doors

In sincere

Behind smiles

In crowds

Behind banners

In security

Behind wires

In toxicated

Behind bottles

In religion

Behind idols

In trouble

Behind bars

In politics

Behind masks

In work

Behind time

In shops

Behind counters

In roles

Behind lights

In arms

Behind sights

In shell holes

Behind flags

In credit

Behind payments


In power

Behind spies

In love

Behind sighs

In vain

Behind lies

In pain

Behind eyes








Don’t play the fool my friend

There really is no need

For sanity is just a passing trend

When in the age of greed

Don’t answer straight is my advice

When lies are currency

Society a hill to climb

Politics a pantomime

Believe only equity

Learn to seminar and lunch my friend

Make your diagrams more vague

Never be precise my friend

And treat compassion like the plague

And one day you will see reward

A box with wheels

A box of bricks

A box of wood

All empty





Pencils lie

but lasers tell the truth

Symbol clarity

Declaring integrity

Reliable ideas

from a cleaner tooth


Believe me

the pencil sighs

print me

and I’ll sell you lies



